My girlfriend and I equally love potatoes. Really served and prepared anyway. Potatoes are amazing. My mother did not like to make potatoes often when my sister and I were growing up. Since she came from a large family (oldest of 7) with little space and funds, don't you know it, they had potatoes A LOT. So, she was always reluctant to make them for us. So, of course, mashed potatoes felt like a treat in the cafeteria at school (although they were instant), they were still delicious and a luxury, ironically.
So, yesterday as we cruised the aisles of C-Town on Smith Street in Brooklyn, we decided to get a bag of beautiful mixed potatoes, blue, red and white (how patriotic). While walking the dogs this afternoon, we popped into our very over-priced local gourmet grocery. The one thing that is cheap there is the HERBS AND SPICES. So, i grabbed rosemary and thyme, not knowing what I was going to make.
As the clock hit 7 i decided to start the process. Pre-heat the oven to 400. Take about a pound of those potatoes and cut them in half. Put an 1/8 of a cup of good olive oil, 2 tablespoons of the rosemary (chopped) and 3/4 of a tablespoon of salt and half a tablespoon of pepper all in a bowl a mixing bowl with the potatoes. Use your hands to coat the potatoes with the mixture. Then spread them out in 1 layer on a sheet pan and stick them in the oven. Every 20 minutes turn the potatoes so they get toasty and crispy evenly. in 1 hour take them out! you will see a beautiful brown crisp on them and they taste AMAZING.
I caution you, potatoes are like little lava pockets. So, let them cool off for a minute or two and then indulge.
Makes a great side or a main course for your vegetarian partner.
Enjoy and let me know if you guys like this recipe. More to come, i promise. My days of neglecting the blog are over, over I tell you!